D: Other Views

There are several other views included with this installation of Gild. They may or may not have been designed for Gild itself, but all are useful when integrated into Gild. They are discussed briefly here.

The Tabbed Views

These views are located at the bottom of your screen. Though each one is technically a view on its own, they are all located in a single "view folder" and are accessed via tabs in that folder. For this reason, this document will often refer to them using the shorthand "tab". There are five tabbed views in the view folder at the bottom of your screen: Console, Gild Tasks, Bookmarks, Gild Web Browser, and Gild Problem View.


This view gets used most often while you are running your programs. It will display the standard output of the last run program (i.e. one of the programs that you have written and run). If you need to input information to your program through standard input, you will do so through the console. There are also features that support limited program control. For more information, see the Eclipse online documentation under "Java Development User Guide>Reference>Views and Editors>Console View".


The tasks tab can hold a lot of useful information about the source code that you are working on. If you have added any tasks to your source code (see the section "The Gild Perspective: Features>B: Gild Editor>Tasks"), they will appear in this view. For more information, see the Eclipse online documentation under "Workbench User Guide>Concepts>Tasks View".


The bookmarks tab will contain all of the bookmarks (see the section "The Gild Perspective: Features>B: Gild Editor>Bookmarks") that you have added to your files. For information about how to use the bookmarks view tab, see the Eclipse online documentation under "Workbench User Guide>Reference>User Interface Information>Views and Editors>Bookmarks View".

Gild Web Browser

This is a web browser built on top of Internet Explorer by the Gild team. It is a fully-featured web browser, with a few extras. It allows for things such as hyperlinks to source code. Some documentation has been written specially for it. For more information, read the Gild Web Browser topic.

Gild Problem View

This view displays compiler errors and warnings (see the section "Accomplishing Common Tasks>Understanding Compiler Errors and Warnings"). Gild also provides extra help (tanslations) for common compiler errors.

Breakpoints View

The breakpoints view is closely related to the Gild Debug view, so it is located directly beneath the Gild Debug view. Here, you will be able to quickly access all of the breakpoints that you have added to your Java source files. For information about breakpoints, see the sections "The Gild Perspective: Features>B: Gild Editor>Breakpoints" and "Accomplishing Common Tasks>Logic Errors and the Gild Debugger>Step 1: Setting Breakpoints". For information about how to use the Breakpoints view, see the Eclipse online documentation under "Java Development User Guide>Reference>Views and Editors>Breakpoints View".

DrJava Interactions Pane

Packaged with Gild is Rice University's DrJava plugin. One of its views is directly accessible through Gild: the Interactions Pane. You can find it through the main menu via "Window > Show View > Interactions Pane". For information about the interactions pane, visit DrJava's website.

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